When I edit your text (copyediting), my job is to help you get your message across clearly and accurately. Depending on what you need, this could involve:
- Cutting text to make it concise: for example, because less is more, or because it needs to fit into a certain format
- Making your text more accessible: for example, breaking up sentences that are too long; adding headings; replacing jargon
- Checking to see if your material makes sense and gives the impression you want it to give
- Introducing/checking consistency: for example, if it’s been written by different people or at different times
- Amending errors, for example in grammar, spelling and fact
- Ensuring that everything ties up: contents, headings, footnotes, references

These are often the aspects that make the difference between something being high quality or a bit shabby; being readable or relegated to the top shelf. Your readers (service users, funders, partners) will prefer writing that is clear, accurate and well expressed. They’re less likely to be confused or misled, and you will come across as competent and informed.
Public and third sector agencies value people like me who are versatile and adaptable. You’ll find that my experience in editing (content and copy), writing, proofreading, interviewing, research and analysis, and project management add up to a rounded and helpful approach.
“Shirley has been doing a great job of editing the SRA’s magazine for many years, and more recently our journal too. She is a very accurate, thorough and knowledgeable copyeditor, but adds value by doing more than this – picking up on any lack of clarity and overdoses of jargon, and generally improving the style. This ensures we present ourselves in the best way possible to our readers. Shirley is a true professional, very pleasant and easy to work with – and always delivers on time!”
Social Research Association (SRA)